Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Are converses coming back in style??

WhAtZ Up WiTh CoNvErSeS?

Converses are magnificent in the own way. Alot of people like to wear conveses in many different ways and styles. Often people like to wear converses with the toung ove their pants leg. Some people wear converses regular or loose if they wear them with shorts. Now converses come with two tounge and each toung is a different color. Mainly these type of converses are for woman because I never seen a male wearing those type of converses. A new type of converse was created which is the LeVi converses. These converses are made with a jean type of fabric and has a pocket with a LeVi sign on the side of it. These LeVi converses can be worn with any type of jeans and shirt. However, if you ask me I would recomend that anyone thats going to buy these converses that they wear them with a LeVi shirt and a pair of LeVi jeans. Additionally, a LeVi jacket (depending on the weather). Me myself, I had a pair of converses a few years back. The bad thing about it is, the same day i bought mines they got messed up really bad because I was having a water fight with them on lol.

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