Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Does AcG boots and the summer time mix??

AcG BoOtZ In ThE SuMmEr, WhO KnOwS?

Should AcG boots be worn in the summer. Many believe that they shouldn't because of the fact that they are boots. Also, because in the summer shorts are worn often so high top boots with shorts may look a little bit weird. Alot of people wear hightop AcG boots in the hot weather with shorts and dont care about what anyone says about them. However, there are many people out there that really care about impressing other people, so the try to dress their best to persuade them that they dress nice. Even people that they dont even know they try and show them that they can dress nice. But any way, before I get off topic lol, there are also low top AcG boots as well. However, they look very strange and unnormal on many people feet. Expecially if the person is extremely tall. But on the bright side, all AcG boots are able to be worn with any type of jeans. However, in the summer people like to wear shorts so they wont be as hot.

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