Friday, June 12, 2009

Aero postal or H&M??


Aeropostal and H&M clothes are extremely popular expecially this time of the year.Aeropostal is very popular from their shirts and hoodies. The shirts that they have are often made with designs that strikes a lot of peoples attention. This encourages them to buy the clothes. The hoodies are the same however, they do not have as much designs as the shirts.
On the other hand, H&M clothes are very popular and is whats in style now as well. Just like Aeropostal shirts, H&M shirts are persuadingly designed. Also, H&M has jeans as well. But the good thing about H&M jeans is that they are made tight and tight clothing is whats in style right now. The shirts are also made tight and that's what people are into right now.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

ShOx Or AiR MaX??


Shox and Air max are both spectacular and they can be worn with the same type of clothes. Shox can be worn with any type of jean, or pants. However, Air max can also be worn with any jeans or pants. the only difference between Air max and Shox is that Shox are made for running. Air max are able to be used for running as well but Shox are made expecially for that. Also, in my opinion Shox look better with cargo pants than Air max. This is because, when you put on cargo pants with Shox it covers almost the whole sneaker and then you see the springs in the back and that looks hot to me. With Air max, if you wear cargo pants with them the pants will cover the whole sneaker and nothing from the sneaker will be seen. Even if you wear regular jeans with Shox i think they look better than when you wear jeans with Air max. But I'm not gonna lie, I do like Air max alot and there are alot of Air max that are hot. For example, the new gray, white, and red Air max. There hot. But right now Shox are more popular than Air max so until Air max surprise the world and come out with with a super hot sneaker I'm going to stick to Shox.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mauris vs Pradas


Mauris and Pradas are a very popular brand of shoe right now. The thing that sets them apart are the prices and some people may prefer one more than the other. Mauris sometimes cost more than Pradas which may cause some people to prefer Pradas than Mauris. However, me personally I would prefer Mauris than Pradas but I have yet to own a pair of Mauris and I own two pairs of Pradas so really you can say I prefer Pradas tan Mauris. But only because I dont own any Mauris lol. But really and truely I think that Pradas looks more professional than Mauris. This is because when you lay a pair of slacks on some Pradas its just like you just put the slacks over a pair of shoes. While Mauris looks alright with slacks but Pradas look better. Another reason why people may prefer Mauris than Pradas is because, they are cracodile skined with designs aswell. Also, if you wear Mauris with jeans you have to have a expensive namebrand jean on because it would look stupid if you wear some Mauris with a pair of fubu jeans lol.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Which do you prefer.....Casual or Comfortable?


Casual Or Comfortable?

Casual clothes or Comfortable clothes. Many people may or may not think about this, however I do. Me personally I would prefer comfortable clothes but when ever I wear casual clothes I feel comfortable and professional at the same time. Also, plentyof old people who watch alot of young black men fall down the drain with their life's and they see any young African American boy dressed casually sometimes it makes them smile. when an elderly person See's a young African American dressed casually they will know that person has a good head on his shoulders.I can remember a time when I first started going to church, I used to wear regular clothes. One day i surprised everyone by wearing a brand new pair of slacks, a new button down shirt and some new shoes. Everyone told me I looked nice and one person told me, "He was proud to see me dressed up because most teenagers don't even like dressing like that". That made me feel like I was doing the right thing and that encouraged me to keep wearing casual clothes to church.
On the other hand I love to wear comfortable clothes alot. Everyone knows that feeling when you get a new outfit or a new pair of shoes. That makes you feel good because everyone looks at your feet where ever you walk and give you compliments. Also, if you get a new outfit and go to a party all of the girls will notice you and want to dance with you ( Not that I do but yes they will notice you and want to dance with you. At the end of the party you might even leave with a girlfriend, who knows. But me personally, I prefer casual clothes because no matter where you go you can wear casual clothes.

Friday, June 5, 2009

$_$ThE TyPe Of StYlEs FoR HaTz $_$

Hat Style's...(Mainly Fitted hats)

Hats can have several styles to be worn in and there are also several different type of hats out now. The main type of hats that are out right now are snap back hats, caps, and fitted hats.
Snap back hats can be worn in many ways. One of the ways people wear them are, with with the brim of the hat bent up. With the brim of the hat bent upwards the hat can be worn forwards and backwards. Even sideways.
As for caps there isn't any thing to be done to it however, just like snap back hats caps can be worn in any angle or in any direction on top of someones head.
Last but not least there's the fitted. Fitted hats can be fixed in a way that the brim of the hat is bent like a cap. This is a style that is out for people that wear fitted hats. Just like snap back hats and caps Fitted hats can be worn in any angle or pointing in any direction on top of someones head.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Are converses coming back in style??

WhAtZ Up WiTh CoNvErSeS?

Converses are magnificent in the own way. Alot of people like to wear conveses in many different ways and styles. Often people like to wear converses with the toung ove their pants leg. Some people wear converses regular or loose if they wear them with shorts. Now converses come with two tounge and each toung is a different color. Mainly these type of converses are for woman because I never seen a male wearing those type of converses. A new type of converse was created which is the LeVi converses. These converses are made with a jean type of fabric and has a pocket with a LeVi sign on the side of it. These LeVi converses can be worn with any type of jeans and shirt. However, if you ask me I would recomend that anyone thats going to buy these converses that they wear them with a LeVi shirt and a pair of LeVi jeans. Additionally, a LeVi jacket (depending on the weather). Me myself, I had a pair of converses a few years back. The bad thing about it is, the same day i bought mines they got messed up really bad because I was having a water fight with them on lol.

Does AcG boots and the summer time mix??

AcG BoOtZ In ThE SuMmEr, WhO KnOwS?

Should AcG boots be worn in the summer. Many believe that they shouldn't because of the fact that they are boots. Also, because in the summer shorts are worn often so high top boots with shorts may look a little bit weird. Alot of people wear hightop AcG boots in the hot weather with shorts and dont care about what anyone says about them. However, there are many people out there that really care about impressing other people, so the try to dress their best to persuade them that they dress nice. Even people that they dont even know they try and show them that they can dress nice. But any way, before I get off topic lol, there are also low top AcG boots as well. However, they look very strange and unnormal on many people feet. Expecially if the person is extremely tall. But on the bright side, all AcG boots are able to be worn with any type of jeans. However, in the summer people like to wear shorts so they wont be as hot.